Some small OnePo improvements and fixes:

  • Making links to other pages the traditional way, via the "link" icon and the dialog box, works again on the iPhone.
  • You can also make links by just pasting a link to any page straight into your post, without clicking the link button. When you do that, a nice automatic preview and link appears. We've had this for ages, but there was a dumb bug that broke it for most cases, except YouTube. All fixed. Here's a nice example (and a cool game):

You'll note I didn't have to create any content for that, I just pasted the address of the page straight into this post. This is based on the "open graph" tags that websites already provide for the benefit of Facebook sharing.

  • Speaking of the automatic link feature: pasting a URL like that in the middle of your text once again splits the text into two sections, with the link preview in the middle.

As I mentioned, you can still make links the old-fashioned way too.

(At this point I don't care that I'll never be able to buy the domain onepo dot com. I'm still going to call it that, because how can you not?)

7/3 '22 6 Comments
Very nice work sir! Seems like an elegant solution, and makes things both clean AND pretty.
Also, I’m going to have to check out that game.
Many thanks, dear host!
Stinker! I haven’t broken 101.