New, improved: now you can leave! 6/9 '17
As promised, you can now leave One Post Wonder permanently without asking for my assistance.
To access it, one clicks "Me," then "Account," then scrolls down a wee bit to the bright red words "delete my account."
I hate it when "delete my account" is hidden or absent. Had anyone actually asked for it, I would certainly have added it sooner.
I also dislike when the process contains unnecessary roadblocks. So my first take on it did not have a "confirm your password" prompt.
However, when I took a good look at the result, I realized that an unintentional, cat-powered or mean-jerk-powered account deletion was a real possibility, and that people do tend to value a journal they've been posting to for years.
So at some cost in convenience, I decided the password confirmation prompt was a good idea overall.
It's most annoying, of course, if you've forgotten your password. So the "hmm, sorry, that's not right" message also includes a suggestion to try the password reset feature if you're stumped.
I think this is a good implementation of a feature I hope will be rarely needed.
My next goal is a decent export feature, something that produces static HTML pages that a user of typical technical skill can figure out a way to enjoy.
Also VERY happy for Shelle's kids and their future books.