Earlier this week, my calf cramped as i was waking up and i couldn't get it to release while remaining in bed, so i got out of bed to stand on that foot and force it to relax.  Unfortunately, i declared victory too soon and it kicked back, tipping me to the side and knocking me on my ass, much to Kim's concern, but i was unhurt.  By this point, my adrenalin had kicked in hard and, after finally putting an end to the cramp, i was awake and sweating.  After that, i headed to the toilet and, as i finished up, i felt quite ill as i felt the adrenalin rush recede.  I staggered back to bed and lay there nauseous and shivering, breathing shallowly until the feeling passed.

Anyway, don't do drugs, kids, because the comedown is a doozy.

2/7 '22 4 Comments

Glad you’re okay.
Ow ow ow ow ow!

My mom used to get raging leg cramps that would wake her up, and she'd be crying and screaming-- it was awful. Apparently I've inherited some of this from her, too. No fun.

Someone recommended some weird topical concoction made of apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, and something else. It screams "snake oil," right down to the Comic Sans on the label... but holy mother of crap, it reaaaalllly works.

I don't know how, and if it's the power of placebo I don't care-- the relief is real and takes maybe 60 seconds max. The bottle says you can dab it on with a washcloth or cotton ball, you can splash it on Jean Naté style, or you can even drink it (!). I put it in a spray bottle which is easiest IMHO.

Here's a link if you're interested. Caleb Treeze Organic Farms Stops Leg & Foot Cramps https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002TC661O

You will smell like a salad, but it really works.
SOLD plus one extra bottle for my mom.

Here’s an old wives’ tale that may be a useful data point. My mom’s friends apparently swear by taking a shot of warm water mixed with French’s Yellow Mustard, and no other brand will do. They claim that the turmeric and mustard powder prevents leg cramps.

I don’t believe it, but turmeric and black pepper might be helpful. YMMV, obviously.

ok well it's a good thing i guess. g$ is killing free private domain accounts, we've had the ride since aught six.. so now it's time to move all my sh1te to other accounts or whatever. I'll manage. It's just a hAssLe.

2/4 '22 2 Comments
Definitely frustrating for you, but I do like that they allow me to pay for at least some of what they also gave away for free. I feel more like a customer and less like a product.
Interesting point. Well we moved our email to our hosting domain and still able to use the rest of the g-world for whatever.

Cold as balls at 16° in Macungie. We got 4" of snow today.

This morning, had a lucid dream. And a "Groundhog's Day"-type dreamception, which is how I was able to have the lucid one.

I was in my house, starting to wake up, when I thought I heard the neighbors shoveling. So I got up, got my stuff on, and opened the front door, only to find a bunch of groceries on my porch, which was probably from my neighbor who does that sometimes. But there was also some strange guy, in his 30s, standing there, who wanted to come into my house, like to sell me something. So, I had to talk him back outside of the house, which I did.

That's when I realized I was still in bed sleeping. So, I got up, got my clothes on, opened the front door and started trying to shovel, only to realize that I was still dreaming. And then I thought, well, if I'm still dreaming, I can just do whatever the fuck I want. I can't remember what I did in detail, but I did something really crazy like fly around inside an acid trip (never had one) like that scene in Big Lebowski. I could feel my stomach drop from flying straight up into the air and everything. I was having a blast  It was only for a few seconds, but it was definitely lucid dreaming. My third time ever.

Then, I finally *actually* woke up and thought, this is real. Except I didn't get up and get my clothes on yet and go out, cuz it's fucking 16°. I'm dragging my feet a little right now.

Oh, and the neighbors aren't home, they never were. I knew that when I went to bed last night.

1/29 '22 10 Comments
I frigging love it when I notice I’m lucid dreaming with enough control to fly around. Happens so rarely for me. Good for you. Once or twice I’ve been able to say to myself, “this is a dream, therefore I can climb a ladder into George Harrison’s room at the Four Seasons George V in Paris,” but I wake up by the time I’ve set foot on the 4th rung.
I believe this is my third or fourth lucid dream ever. I also seem to wake up before I want to.
Back in 2015 or so, I was sleeping in the loft of my pal’s cabin in the Olympic rain forest when I had one of those dreams that I was desperately looking for a place to pee.

I know, in the waking world, that dreams like that are often my unconscious mind trying to say “hey - wake up! You need to pee!” and that, if ignored, will end up tricking me into peeing the bed by leading dream-me to think I found a suitable place to finally go.

This time, dream-me was like “hey! This is one of those pee dreams! You should wake up, climb down the ladder, and go outside to pee.”

So I did.

But just as I was outside and about to start going, I thought “wait a second…I think I might still be asleep and this is just a much craftier pee dream than usual.”

So I woke myself up again, thought “whew…that was close…” and headed down the ladder and outside to pee - for real this time.

Except it wasn’t real! I was still dreaming! And again I caught on and realized it at the last possible second.

Finally I actually woke myself up for real and completed the (e)mission - but every once in a while to this day, I occasionally find myself wondering if everything that happened for the past few years has all been a dream and I am actually, right now, lying asleep in the rain forest in a pool of my own urine. It would certainly explain a few things.

Great. Potentially, I am living in Adams' pee dream.
Yes! I had this thought. And I see we have another dreamception-er, here.
You people.
Lucid dreaming people? Or people who feel compelled to shovel as soon as the whole neighborhood is out there? Like a race?

Because both are certainly "you people" types. (For the record, I used to shovel if and when I damn well felt like it, but then I guess I got curmudgeonly and adultish as I got older. Boooo.)
You people for whom every conversation eventually ends up being about pee. And by “you people” I mean my people.
Conversation inception. ^
Tell me more about the pee talk.

Apparently I dreamed up an online board game about other powers preying upon Austria.  This description bears some resemblance to Maria,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/40354/maria)
a game about the War of the Austrian Succession which I have not played. 

And rone, you were there too! 

The preceding has not been a paid advertisement for https://en.boardgamearena.com
​​​​​​which hosts hundreds of non-imaginary board games.  

1/27 '22 1 Comment
Great success!

I don't backpack. I do hike, but I don't carry my overnight gear/food with me. But lately I've been thinking I might want to ease into that. 

So I'm thinking a one day 5 mile hike out. Sleep out in the wilds, then hike back out the next day. Then work up to 2 days. 

Tent+Sleepingbag+pad = 10 lbs. Food and food gear = 4 lbs. Extra clothes 1 lb. So, 15lbs. Can I carry 15lbs 5 miles? That's like the weight of 2 gallons of milk. Oof. Maybe this isn't THAT much in a good backpack? Dunno.

I already have a route picked out for my trial run. It will start in Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Gardners PA.  I will hike the Appalachian trail to Toms Shelters, via the Camp Michaux historical site/ruins. That's like 4 miles. Which really is only 2 or so hours of walking. ... Maybe if I'm not dead from that, I'll keep going to the Birch Run Shelter. That would be 10 miles total.  And then hike back out the next day. 

Ideally, I will sleep in the shelter and not pitch my tent. So I'm planning to go to REI and buy a tiny/light/just-in-case tent. Guess I should get a backpack and sleeping pad too while I'm at it. (I have 4 or 5 sleeping bags already)

I'm thinking April 11ish - before the heat and the bugs and the crowds arrive. I wonder if I can get in "carry 15 lbs & hike 5 hours" shape by then? 

Anyway, it's nice to dream.  

1/17 '22 1 Comment
Sounds like a fine plan.

My Connecticut ride definitely taught me that unnecessary ounces should be left at home.

So yesterday I posted about about the funny faces I was working on.

Last night I watched a video about digitally painting skin tones. I've seen the video before, but last night I used the heads I'd already sketched and inked and used them to follow along in the video.

And just like that, the bit flipped in my head. From 0 to 1. Suddenly, I get it.

Okay, I've still got a long way to go, but I feel the difference like a dark moonless night to a bright cloudless midday sky. It might not even be recognizable to other folks, but I feel so stupidly different. My digital painting game just took a monster leap forward.

I'm pretty stoked.

1/14 '22 9 Comments
I have to say, I've never seen your work look like this. That lower left face, it really looks like a painting now, not just an illustration. This is crazy! Keep going!! And congrats! <3
Thanks! It really does feel like a big jump forward. :-)
These are good.
Thanks, man!
I am now earwormed. I am not complaining.

ETA: one point of that video blew my mind - the colours following blood flow. I'm slapping my head at how fundamental that observation is, and how I've never considered anything more than the structural anatomy for shading. Wow. (Note: I'm no artist. I just play around with stuff.)
I know, right?! It’s impressive with a sub dural bloodflow does to tone and color.

The classic fork-dressed peanut butter cookie recipe is 1C pb + 1/2C sugar + 1 egg. I wanted to improve it, and also make it easier to prep. At least in that one makes less mess. Have you ever tried to measure 1C of pb? But that's dumb when you could just weigh out 250g. So there's that reason gone. Anyway. We like these.  They taste like food.

Preheat oven to 325F & grease two cookie trays/half sheet pans.

Prep get

  • 400g of lightly salted snacking peanuts. 
  • 100g of roasted almonds (not salted).
  • 250g of white sugar

Put all of that in a food processor and whiz it up until it's gone past powder and is starting to clump up again. At this point I turn it out into a mixing bowl, then add

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Use a scraper or disher to mix thoroughly. It will get extremely sticky.

Use a spoon or a disher to portion balls of dough onto the trays, leaving some room for expansion. Use a fork to smash them flat. You'll probably need to grease the fork or it'll stick.  

Bake at 325F for 11-15 minutes or until they smell done / are lightly browned.  Remove with a spatula (which will probably also need to be greased). Let them cool on a rack for 10 minutes to firm up.

Edited to add: if you want them to stay soft-ish, put them in a covered container after they cool down. If you like them crisp, let them stay out for a while. At least this works in the winter when the humidity is low.

Oh I love recipes with weights! Really speeds things up. And renders very reproducible results.

In a way, these are like peanut butter cookies made with almond flour.
Yeah we just toss the bowl on the kitchen scale and hit tare and go to town. So, so much easier. And not having to clean a buncha measuring cups is boss.
I like this a lot. Thank you!
Good luck with them. They're so good they disappear fast. I think the three of us put down 24 of them in less than a day last weekend? But you know, meal replacement. (They're so good.)
Pb/KCN cookies are considerably less safe.
I have a recipe that requires a cup of ketchup (I have a set of American measures specifically for dealing with this sort of guideline). Inevitably I wind up with probably about a tablespoon of said ketchup stuck inside the cup measure; also inevitably there is ketchup elsewhere, but not in the designated mixing bowl.
The Wonder Cup (https://www.kitchensupplywholesale.com/products/wondercup, not an endorsement of a particular retailer) is superb for when we have to measure goopy things by volume. You lose only a small smear of the goods.
Good to know! I've seen those gadgets and always wondered if they were any good. Anything that gets the Dawn Keenan Seal of Approval™ is a keeper in my book!
I giggled over "they taste like food."
These bad boys (slaps the roof) look like cookies but eat like a meal!