Thanks to Matt Lichtenwalner for the idea.

I start the day by asking Siri to play the news, which for me means NPR News Now, the top-of-the-hour newscast. I use Siri a lot, but that's a subject for another post.

After that I usually dip into The Late Show Pod Show with Stephen Colbert, especially if there's a monologue or a Meanwhile segment. What can I say, I love me some Meanwhile.

Lately I've also started listening to Coder Radio. They talk about software and technology and politics surrounding that. I don't like everything they say, but that's good for me, as long as I'm disagreeing with other members of the reality-based community. And they had a strong recent episode on the Restrict Act, which is some bullshit. These guys also do a bunch of Linux podcasts.

Alternatively, if there's a new episode of Gadget Lab from the Wired crew I'm all over that. As with Wired in general these days, they spend at least as much time critiquing tech as they do nerding out over it.

That's about it on a typical weekday. But sometimes, just sometimes folks, I throw on yesterday's clothes, strap on my Bose headphones, saddle up my trusty Oreck, lean into the household chores and go full beast mode with  Planet Money, The Indicator, Linux Action News, Life in the Ted Lane, EV News Daily, and occasionally The Moth. I have a puzzling resistance to firing up The Moth, I think because it seems like a Bigger Deal, and then I'm reliably captivated.

Last year I also spent a lot of time listening to How We Survive, a podcast from NPR's marketplace about fighting and adapting to climate change — or, in many cases, putting our heads in the sand (*cough* Miami). But I'm all caught up for now.

Just recently I got into Serious Trouble, which covers the legal travails of people who are in serious trouble, most of whom should have known better. Quality schadenfreude, but they are currently annoying me by demanding payment for multiple consecutive stories and just airing teasers on their free feed.

I did decide to pay for Planet Money+, which mostly entitles me to behind-the-scenes and extra-details stories I mostly skip, but I don't mind because Planet Money has been in my life so long I felt like a heel not supporting them. What can I say, I'm addicted to the Beigie Awards.

I use Apple Podcasts for all of the above. It works with Siri and I never seem to have difficulty finding a show I've heard about. But I will hit play directly on a website if there's something in my way, of course.

And that's my 100% brutally honest podcast list. Apparently I'm an econ fiend. Who knew?

4/19 '23 1 Comment
That sir, is an excellent selection!

I was subscribed to NPR News Now for a while, but since I subscribe and download my episodes overnight on hotel wifi for use in the car during the day, I was getting 743850954 instances of the same story, so I bailed. If I was just getting one copy (the latest) that show would be wonderful.

_Make Me Smart_ from my list is a Planet Money show. I don't know why I haven't listened to Planet Money itself. May be time to change that.

And lastly, I would probably do the Late Show Pod Show, but I tend to see those same segments on YouTube while I'm getting ready in the morning.

Thanks for sharing your list!

A friend asked for some podcast recommendations, and this is what I offered up. Since I get the question fairly often, or some variation on the theme, I thought I would share it here (and on my travel blog publicly so I could reference it when folks ask.

The Creative Penn - about independent author life. Production and sale of books without traditional publishers. 

The Dungeon Run - an Actual Play of 5e that I like. 

The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio - just what the title says. Old radio shows from the 50s in podcast format. I can't take the host's voice for very long and tend to skip straight to the shows. Johnny Dollar are my fave. 

How Not to DM - interview show about ttrpgs and how not to...

LORE - 1 part Twilight Zone + 1 part mythology. Been listening to this guy forever. Pure mood. 

Make Me Smart - NPResque news show. Different style to each weekday (deep dive v fun v etc)

Life in the Ted Lane - my friend Lindsay (who you may know) and her brother Ted talk about Autism, the Muppets, and their myriad adventures. 

Re: Thinking - interview show with industry leaders, scientists, etc about looking at subjects from a different/ new perspective

Science Versus - one of my faves. A scientific breakdown of different popular opinions like "Is one adult beverage / day a health benefit?"

The TED Interview - a deeper dive into the topics of TED Talks. 

Think Like a Game Designer - how to do what the title says. 

Travel Writing World - about writing about your travels and interviews with folks who do that. 

Twenty Thousand Hertz - a podcast about sound.

Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me - the NPR news game show in podcast format.

Tech News Briefing from the Wall St Journal - news about tech from the WSJ. 

There are many more that I personally subscribe to, but this list has a bit of diversity to it, and (I believe) will be enjoyable to a larger collection of people.​​​​​​​

If you're reading this, and you're wondering about some specific genre or topic of podcast, feel free to ask me about it, or tell me if you have some recommendations! I’m always looking for new and interesting stuff to listen to.

(Also, while this list has links to each of the shows for convenience, they should be available through most any podcast catcher. I personally use PocketCasts. If you haven't chosen one yet, I can recommend it. Simple and effective.)

4/16 '23 2 Comments
Ooooh! Forgot about Lore! Thank you for reminding me.

I so often forget about podcasts.
When I remember, I listen to either Cracked (Stained Glass podcast) or SawBones (a fantastic podcast about old medical devices/practice. It's very funny. And informative.). Love, love, love that one.
I used to listen to Sawbones. Don't remember why I stopped.

Samurai Cat in the Real World (1989), by Mark E. Rogers (1952-2014)

Alas, my streak of consecutive ascensions stopped at two.  Rogue #1 was doing reasonably well, but but a titan surrounded him with nasties and on my last turn I typoed myself to death.  Rogue #2 killed by a gnome lord with a wand of magic missile.  But Rogue #3 was lucky enough to find FIVE magic lamps along the way, and that was plenty of magic lamps.  He also found a katana on the second dungeon level, and that ended up serving as a fine companion to Stormbringer for the rest of the game.

As for interesting mistakes:  he foolishly buried some speed boots under a boulder, but when he came back to dig them up, they had rotted away entirely.  Stormy killed a few things he might not have wanted to kill, including co-aligned unicorns.  And some things were forgotten while ascending, including a magic whistle.  Not a big deal all things considered, but it's probably worth double-checking your entire kit before making that final run.

Ferret the Magsman and the invisible Archie the Archon went to their reward with 4050028 points and 140370 pieces of gold, after 78618 moves.
He was level 27 with a maximum of 793 hit points when he ascended.

On to the Tourist, hoping to finish before they release version 3.7 and make things trickier.

4/8 '23

I hope this guy meant to ask this question in our podcasters' community for the same reasons I would, but if he didn't, it's the saddest question I've encountered in all this time of teaching people how to make podcasts. 

"Why would someone want to listen to a podcast when they can find out what they might want to know by asking Bard or Chat GPT4?" 

Why would someone want to hear the live cover of "The Boy With The Thorn In His Side" performed by Belle and Sebastian when they could hear the Smiths' original recording? 

Why do people like different flavors and brands of ice cream?

Why does Lancome L'Absolu Rouge Cream Lipstick in 493 Nuit Parisienne on Lynda Carter's lips look different from Wet n' Wild Silk Finish Lipstick in Just Garnet on Angel Marie Kerrigan's?

If two baseball players with the same batting average go to bat against the same pitcher, do they equally hit the ball as far and as fast? 

Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? 

4/6 '23 2 Comments
Vince said,
That's precisely what a bot would say.
I've asked Bard many things, and although the answers are generally serviceable, they lack character, panache, true insight.

LLMs (Large Language Models) can only imagine the shade of lipstick gracing Lynda Carter's lips if someone else had written about it before, and even then that detail would be filtered out as idiosyncratic.

Why read a book when you can read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia? Why, indeed.

I actually wasn't wild about the idea of being chaotic, but I had yet to ascend an elf in this sequence, so away we go on a quest for Mars.

The first notable thing that happened in the Gnomish Mines was that I fell down a trap door in the middle of a narrow passage and landed on the wrong side of the up stairs.  Without a pick-axe to dig around the trap, I was unable to (reliably) get back to my dog Sirius.  Just as I was bemoaning this misfortune, I happened upon... a wand of wishing!  Always test out your wands, folks.  A stroke of luck like this is usually sufficient to preserve your life.

Sirius eventually died from falling into a pit, and my pet giant ant Auntie (whom I hatched from an egg!) was murdered by monsters at Mines' End.  Soon after that I made the terrible mistake of picking up a loadstone.  Don't do that, folks.  Trying to deal with the encumbrance nearly cost me this beautifully equipped Ranger.

Mars didn't help me get rid of the loadstone, and I then made the awful mistake of walking far away from my entire stash of rations.  I didn't notice my predicament until it was almost too late.  Crawling back while fainting, I just barely made it to the food in time.

When I finally got Stormbringer, I was both pleased and apprehensive.  "Stormy" is a life-draining sword (from Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melniboné stories) that doesn't much care whom it attacks.  So it's risky to use around pets or other peaceful creatures whom you don't want to anger.  Keep that in mind for later, but for now I had no pets and resolved to be extra careful around shopkeepers and temple priests.

During my descent to the Wizard of Yendor's lair, I somehow missed finding the ladder to Vlad's.  When Rodney then woke up before I was ready, I had to deal with constant harrassment up and down the depths of Gehennom.  And then I forgot my candles and had to go back for them.  I forgot several things, really, in my haste to get stuff done before the Wizard hassled me even more.  But I shambled forward to the Amulet, and made my way back without a lot of dilly-dallying.

3 mysterious forces, ah ha ha.  At the Valley again, I decided to dilly-dally by equipping a pet Archon named Archie.  And then I remembered that Stormbringer is a big risk for me to wield near a pet Archon.  Oh dear.  But the goodie-goodie won't wield it himself, so I hang onto Stormy and give him my backup:  "The invisible Archie wields the rustproof +7 Fire Brand!"

At one point when my bloodthirsty blade attacks, I hear "Gasp!"  I think Archie is offended that I'm using Stormbringer.  And I've already poked him with it once within four dungeon levels.  Luckily he forgave both that and another tap much later.  He was a very good friend indeed.

I and the invisible Archie the Archon and the guardian Angel of Mars went to our reward with 3307830 points, Stormbringer, The Longbow of Diana, Sunsword, The Book of the Dead, Orcrist, Demonbane, Sting, The Bell of Opening, The Candelabrum of Invocation, The Master Key of Thievery, 12 rubies, 10 emeralds, 9 black opals, 9 amethyst stones, 9 agate stones, 8 diamonds, 7 chrysoberyl stones, 7 jasper stones, 6 jet stones, 4 dilithium crystals, 4 topaz stones, 4 fluorite stones, 3 obsidian stones, 3 jade stones, 2 turquoise stones, 2 aquamarine stones, 2 opals, 2 garnet stones, 1 sapphire , 1 citrine stone, 1 amber stone, 4 amulets of life saving, and 146513 pieces of gold, after 77256 moves.  I was level 29 with a maximum of 685 hit points when I ascended.

This puts me on a streak of 2 ascensions in a row, but I've saved two of the toughest for last:  the Rogue and the Tourist.

3/25 '23 3 Comments
My only Tourist ascension was one of my favorite games of nethack ever! Enjoy the challenge :)
I wanna be an elven ranger,
Live the life of guts and danger.

Elven ranger,
Life of danger.

I wanna be a dungeon diver,
Swim around with the neo otyugh.

Dungeon diver, neo otyugh.
Elven ranger, life of danger.

I wanna be an healing cleric,
Shoot some funky anisthetic.
"They say that a spear will hit a neo-otyugh. (Do YOU know what that is?)" -- nethack fortune cookie message

To the victors go the one post wonders, but let's remember the guys who weren't so fortunate:
Priest #1 acquired Magicbane, but was promptly instakilled by a rabid rat.
Priest #2 was pincushioned by a gnome lord in the Gnomish Mines.
Priest #3 was killed by an ape while blinded by a yellow light.
Priest #4 was killed by a chameleon imitating a warg.
Priest #5 was killed by a touch of death from an ARCH-LICH on level 7???  That was probably a chameleon, too.

But the sixth one stayed up!  He was gifted Vorpal Blade and used it throughout the dungeon, also acquiring the means of reflection, levitation, conflict, and teleport control.  It was at this point that he stumbled into a level teleporter and was presented with a fateful choice: 

"To what level do you want to teleport?"

Answering "99" gets you underneath the Castle, so he sneaked in the back door and allowed the trolls in the throne room to finish off most of the other monsters.  From there, it was back to the Quest and some great dining experiences.  "Welcome to experience level 20.  You feel cool!"  Indeed.

Vorpal Blade has its disadvantages, like "Somehow, you miss the invisible black light wildly" but it is fun to decapitate demon lords instead of just wounding them.  Here's a scary moment:  "The bullwhip wraps around Vorpal Blade you're wielding!  The horned devil yanks Vorpal Blade from your hand!"  Oh, fudge.  Luckily it was cursed to wield that bullwhip instead of turning the beheading tables.

Later our heroic priest became the Envoy of Balance and cut down some shades with a silver saber, but for the most part it was Vorpy all the way.  While trying to find everything else on his shopping list, he got one last treat:  "You unleash a water demon!  Grateful for her release, she grants you a wish!"

He went to his reward with 4769988 points and 105737 pieces of gold, after 81735 moves.

3/13 '23 1 Comment
He took his vorpal blade in hand, long time the manxsome foe he sought, then rested he by the tumtum tree and stood a while in thought.