New Jersey Memories
6/24 '23
<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to. Now no longer in alphabetical order so I can get on with it>>
NJ is a state that borders my homestate of Delaware, so I'm through/in there a bunch.
Just spent 2 days/nights at the Jersey Shore with my little. Who isn't that little anymore, she's 12. And like many other 12 year olds, she didn't particularly want to be at the shore, she wanted to be home & online gaming and chatting with her online friends. The weather being overcast, cool and windy didn't help. Arranging the trip so that another family with a 12 year old girl was also in our group helped nominally. The spotty spotty wifi at our RV campground both helped and didn't help.
At the beach shore, I told my kid that if she managed to catch a seagull we could go home a day early. So she enlisted the other 12 year old and the 7 year old to help, and they spent a crazy hour or so attempting to capture a seagull. They got crackers and tried building traps. They engaged in flanking maneuvers. At some point army crawling through the sand was employed. No seagulls were caught in this endevor.
I have a few other memories of New Jersey:
- When I was in college the college bowl intercollegiate match was in New Jersey somewhere (Newark maybe?).
- Also in college I dated a guy who's parents had some swank house in NJ. I got to be an akward guest there a few times. I recall having some most excellent grilled steak at his house. His name may or may not have been Ed. (It's been a long time.)
- I've taught a few software classes to guys at a refinery near Newark, and learned that many of them had never been to NYC proper, even though they lived right there. The horror.
- I've flown in/out of Newark a bunch, but that doesn't really count. I also often park in Hamilton to take NJ Transit trains into Manhatten. Also doesn't really count.
- There was a "burning man inspired" event called Freeform at the Salem County fair grounds back in 2012. I learned there that I couldn't count on my kid's father to watch her, even though we had agreed it was my turn to go off and have fun. Looking back it was just another crack in the trust. I sometimes get annoyed at myself for putting up with him as long as I did. But then I try to give myself grace with the knowledge I was doing the best I could with what I knew/hoped at the time.
- CM Adams lived there for a year recently and I hung out with him a bit. We hiked a park or two, had excellent pizza, crossed over the boarder to PA and saw Rocky Horror live! CM & I also went to a cool sculpture garden near Trenton called Grounds for Sculpture. It was cool, I do plan to go back someday.
I could probably dredge up some other New Jersey memories, but yes, I've been to New Jersey.
Meanwhile, in the other loss, Penn beat us like 320-30. But I’m getting the last laugh on them now.