Mason-Dixon Quest - Links 10/30 '20
My research of Mason-Dixon markers on the Delaware Border. All of which I plan to go see in the near(ish) future.
- Glasgow - Marker on Rt 40 - article from 2016
- Elkton, MD Mile Marker 1 Tangent Stone This might be the same one as above
- Marydel Crownstone
- Delmar Mason-Dixon Middle Point Marker
- Mardela Springs, MD unused stone
- Rumor of a stone near MD291/DE6 which would be 10 miles due north of the Marydel one . . . meaning there also should be one on rt 300, which would be 5 miles north . .. And maybe one not to far from the Harvest Ridge (where I'm a member of their wine club!) winery, 5 miles south?
- And of course the well documented Tri-State Monunent with its trail from Delaware's White Clay Creek state park
Not Spam, Knopfler.