Ultra-bougie confession
11/10 '19
We spend a lot of money for laundry appliances today. Since I won't buy Samsung or LG anything (because their after-sale support is notoriously shit) and really nothing on the inexpensive side seems to be super reliable or particularly gentle on clothes, we bought Miele; made in Germany.
I mean yes, I can feel good about the fact that the dryer only uses 110v so will cost us a lot less in electricity and is ventless which will save us both on electricity and vent cleaning (like a hundred bucks a year, strongly recommended by the condo board because a 30' dryer vent duct is a frigging fire hazard).
Honestly, though, if these machines will 1) get our clothes actually clean, without random blorts of lint, and 2) not quickly ruin the very nice business clothes that d needs, and the very nice statement pieces that I need, then it will be so, so worth it.
It's a Vimes Boots thing. You buy the good tool not only because it saves you money in the long run, but it also does the job better day-to-day.
New washers and dryers do not fill me with confidence.
And yep, the reason it died is likely because of a clogged dryer vent way downstream. Replaced that effer with non-flex tubing and I now feel significantly less flammable.
Fireman Jay (my dad) said that he put out sooooo many house fires that were caused by lint in the dryer duct. He also said that it is mindblowing to learn how many people don't clean their lint trap with every load, and worse, how many people don't know that cleared out their dryer duct is a thing.
In these dry, cold, winter nosebleed months, some "free" warm, moist air sounds kinda nice. *shrug*
Sounds like it works quite nicely for you.
*Though apparently we bought the last model year before the machines started to be made of trash parts, or so I hear.
He's long-sold the laundromat... though ironically, he lives about 6 minutes from it now... but when he owned it, they lived in our old house, about an hour away.
The front-loading Speed Queen he owns at home cleans better than anything I've ever used. Apparently front-loading is the way to go, because gravity and no need for a center agitator. Even at 48, there are things I will save to wash at my parents' house. :-)
But yeah, how could a top loader sans agitator, er, agitate?
The folks who owned my little house before me were awesome and moved the washer/dryer from the spidery basement to the main floor (we have a ranch layout). The washer and dryer live in the former hall linen closet, which is super-handy, but the space is not very deep. When I looked into replacing these units, finding a front-loader machine that was shallow enough to fit in that former closet was nigh impossible... which is why I haven't replaced 'em, just fixed 'em.
Ideally, I could also get bougie and find a stackable front loader washer/dryer so I could reclaim half my linen closet, because storage is kinda non-existent without it. But alas, the stackables we found were too deep for the space.
First world problems.
(Random factoid: Last year I learned that dryers aren't really a thing in England; people just hang their wash for the most part. This seems unintuitive to me, since England seems damp... but what do I know.)
This weekend's laundry hijinks, including sopping wet clean clothes from a load that became unbalanced during the wash cycle and no spin-only cycle, are a pointed reminder that we need better than we've currently got.
Funding for the appliances is coming from the same cushion of savings that had originally been earmarked for retirement income and will be depleted over the next ten years to pay for adequate quality of pre-retirement life. At least half my RRSP will go to pay down a mortgage we don't want to have when we're in our 70s. The remainder will fund life improvements like this laundry pair.
I have a defined benefit pension plan from my former employer, and the civil service has a similar pension. If CPP still exists when I leave the work force, that will add a few hundred dollars a month as well. We are fortunate.