Went to one library this morning to pick up some holds. A couple SQUIRREL GIRL stand-alones, plus also SOFT X-RAY MINDHUNTERS which was recommended.

Then made my third batch of gf fudge brownies in the past seven days. In our defence they keep getting brought to parties and people other than us eat them. This batch is all ours. Also made sweet potato sticks with a bit of heat.

And now the errands are piling up again. I have four stops to make. I guess it's not terrible that I can just walk to all of them.

A different library (the big reference one) to return OTHERWORLD BARBARA which was just a bit too-too for me), dollar store for a few snack items, bulk food store for a few staple baking goods and peanuts, grocery store for eggs.

d is off at a choir intensive rehearsal until early evening. I've been keeping busy but at some point I'll probably just sit down and read. Or maybe go out and look at something or ???

I'm working on making more friends but still don't have anyone close enough to just hang out with kind of spontaneously. It doesn't help when half the time I feel too worthless to see the merit in anyone else hanging out with me. Not a good headspace to be in when meeting new people. But that's not this post.

Nope, this post is just -- hello autumn weather, I've been busy today, I made some food, I ate some food, I pet some cats, now I'm going out.

Hope y'all's day is doing you a solid.

-- edited to add -- 

Sweet Potato Sticks (air fryer)

These are dead simple if-and-only-if you have an "air fryer" device. Otherwise I probably would not bother trying to make them with manual stir-fry methods. Anyway.

  1. Julienne 2lb of rinsed but unpeeled yellow flesh sweet potatoes into 1/8" x 1/8" sticks of varying lengths.
  2. Add to air fryer along with 2T oil (we use bacon grease, anything is fine).
  3. Season with about 2t of salt or to taste.
  4. Add additional spices to taste. I've used Montreal steak seasoning, chili powder / hot sauce, whatever I feel like. I bet dill powder would be great.
  5. Run your air fryer for 40-45 minutes or until some of the sticks are starting to get a little blackened. Stir occasionally if the automatic agitator kind of sucks like ours does.
  6. Turn out onto a cookie sheet to cool; they'll become quite crisp.
  7. Try not to eat them all immediately.
10/13 '18 7 Comments
I wish we could do a OPW IRL hangout. That wouldn't solve the spontaneous-hangout-pal problem, but it would be cool nonetheless. (But that may cause yet another batch of GF fudge brownies to be eaten by someone other than you two... bwa-ha-ha)
Yeah, it would be pretty great to see y'all occasionally or on the regular.
If people want to make that happen, I will ALWAYS volunteer to host. I LIKE having folks in the house; gives the place a warm happy feeling.
I wouldn't be sad if you shared your recipe for sweet potato sticks...
I added the recipe to the post!
You are the second resource in my life that has recommended air fryers.
Well, I will tell what we have used ours for: bacon (two packages at a time, cut in half), chicken parts (wings, drums, thighs), potato sticks. It’s good for smaller items of consistent size. Riblets or stir fry or etc. Its easy enough to clean. Not as widely useful as Instant Pot though.