Still working! 3/5 '15
I'm still working on my game project. The AI programming language has kind of grown, though. I have become rather enamoured of it and am making it more of a general purpose language. Once I can rewrite the game engine itself in SAI (which is what the language is called) I will return to it.
Right now I'm working on interoperability with Javascript, which is the hosting language -- SAI code is transpiled into Javascript code that does the exact same thing, which can then, because it is Javascript, be run just about anywhere.
I don't know if I can really justify what I'm doing. It seems these days everyone's got their own framework or preprocessor or whathave you. I'm doing this mostly for me, and mostly because whenever I go to use Javascript I become extremely frustrated not only at its syntax but at the abuse that other people perpetrate upon the language and other programmers using it.
It's like Javascript is just this wide open sandbox of "hey you can redefine anything anytime go nuts!" and then people do, and suddenly no one knows what the fuck is going on any more because all the fruits mean wibble mustang dope run-on sentence and good luck charlie. Kapisce?
I'm not saying I'm locking it down, but I am saying that a little bit of rigor and formalism would not be inappropriate. And if defucking the syntax further encourages clear and straightforward coding, then maybe it will be a useful tool for others too.
JavaScript's "approach" to object oriented programming is such a running gag... everyone has their own preferred way out of that thicket. Including me:
The apotheosis of which is: