Having a bit of crisis with this beast lately, I must admit. Nowhere near giving up, just a combination of Depression Dumb* along with the mountain of crap necessary to meet the Minimum Viable level and it seems like I've been staring at the same code forever and having nothing happen, which isn't even true at all.

But let's talk about what's working even though it won't even compile right now. I just wrote an inventory handler, which I needed to write in order to handle equipping/removing wearable gear, which also needed to be able to send events to notify the gear logic that it's been put on/taken off, in case there are special things that need to happen**, and it also needed to be able to ask gear logic whether or not it was okay for the player to put the gear on because maybe there are stat requirements, or take it off because maybe it's cursed, which all led to a whole other level of cascading shit to support those changes, like figuring out repeating interval timers, and smoothing off the rough edges in the language or adding new features or refactoring code to make things cleaner and simpler to understand.

I mean, shrug, yeah, that's what it's like when you're creating a new complex system from scratch, you want to do something you can conceptualize very simply "hey let's dress the simulated dudes up so they can fight in armour and with real weapons so I can test the assumptions I made about character design and feel like I haven't been wasting my time with this idea" and then it's two weeks later and you still haven't done it because basically you said, "hey let's get in the elevator and ride to the first floor and see how it looks" and then woah fucko before you can do that you need to smelt some iron ore and invent electricity.

I'm really hopeful that it will be a good environment to tell great stories in. That's why I'm making it. I want to be able to tell interactive stories, and to allow other people to tell stories too, in the same universe. And all of the work I'm doing right now is basically to establish the rules of the universe and make sure they're consistent and fair, and it's really just feeling rather tiresome right now. There's probably some comparison to be drawn with a major world religion, but enh. 

​* For those just tuning in, I have some pretty severe depressive episodes at times and during them, my brain feels like molasses. I could probably, should probably, write about depression sometime, but it still feels like pointless whining, even though I know that isn't true. So we'll see.

** From my debugging console: owner['event_equip']=function(parm) { if (parm["on"]) { console.log('The spirit of the dead cow thanks you for wearing its skin.'); }

12/4 '14 4 Comments
I know this pain well.
I empathize with Molasses Brain.
I know this pain well.
also: "woah fucko before you can do that you need to smelt some iron ore and invent electricity." tickled the cockles of my heart.