The Arden Museum is doing an exhibit on authors from Arden.

They asked me for a bio.

8/30 '15 10 Comments
I loved your bio. To be fair, part of my enjoyment was in learning things about you, my friend, that I didn't know, and that isn't going to be a universal experience for bio readers ... But then again, when I really like a book, the author feels like someone I know and I want to know more about them.
Thank you!
I'm glad they didn't limit you to 150 words. You have a good style.
Writing this, I kept hearing Louis C.K. screaming, "Nobody cares about you, they only want to talk about themselves!"

That didn't help.
Those inner editor/censor voices are EEEEVIIIIL.
Absolutely beautiful.

I selfishly was hoping to see a comment about your writing project "The Weekly Ping," which I thoroughly enjoyed and very much looked forward to. I'm sure I still have some saved, assuming they're not on the hard drive that died.

I've had 4 different people write to me today to say, "Where is the Weekly Ping in your bio?"
You are all so dear.
I think I only sent that to, like 9 people.
Welp, we nine people were very lucky people. :)
A fine story which happens to be your own. Thank you for sharing it.
My pleasure!