Remember LiveJournal?
1/22 '19
I miss LJ and the way it used to be there. Here's a good article about it and about how George R R Martin, one of the last holdouts, has now left the building.
But I do miss those days, of course, I had a lot more time to post and comment back then.
I still remember when I “met” most of them at Diaryland! 😬
I’m here because of the LJ connection 🙂
As for FB and Twitter, I sometimes tweet, but mostly only silly inconsequential stuff, but it's still too easy to get sucked in and dragged under by the tidal waves of awful. Facebook, I left some time ago; I had to leave because... I just can't ignore the ethical problems and came to understand that to participate at any level was to enable Very Bad Things—and if it were just about me, maybe I could've stayed, but being on the platform also makes everyone I know and have connections with vulnerable and me complicit in that abuse. [long conversation there; maybe another time]
Anyway, I like it here, it feels good posting here. All of my posts are friends-only, but I'm easy to be friends with. :) I mostly keep things loosely locked that way because I don't want spiderbots tossing my journal entries all hither and yon. I have few subgroups for posting and almost never use them.
Generally speaking, though, I found a site I like a lot and gives me the 80/20 of that LJ love. Run by a buddy of mine named Tom. It's called One Post Wonder...
Yet I still haven’t been able to pull the plug and delete my LJ even though I moved it to DW and even though I haven’t posted on it in years and even though it’s probably a bad idea to leave it up. What’s my problem? I have a hard time letting go. I started it in 2004, I think. That feels like forever ago.
Also, ha, yes 🙂 about OPW. I oughta try to broaden my horizons here...
But here's my profile, friend me maybe? ;) (Totally your choice.)
I am not as big a poster as I used to be, but I read everything and hang out in comments. Either way, nice to have met you through Tom's nifty "Network" option.
Hello! Friended!
Oh god. You were, uh...talking to ME, right? Sometimes I can’t tell which comment was left to which comment.
(I overthink things) :-)
Oh dear - you _really_ are in good company here. :P
My folks used to read my public LJ posts and then they started reading my public DW posts, but I've really fallen off the horse. I try to remember to x-post my public entries from OPW over to DW, but I'm laaaazy.
Oh I am too, and also too unorganized. :-)
Not sure how easy it would be to IFTTT OPW to DW (or vice-versa), but copying/pasting isn't the worst thing ever. (I do hate losing all my formatting though and then manually fixing it, but whatevz.)
It kinda made me sad because I'm pretty sure (despite my changing the url for the link to my OPW profile) they haven't migrated.
We do weekly Google Hangouts with Ben and Josh and families, so that helps, but there was something nice about having a place that people would 'check in'.
Before LJ, I was on an email list called Tamson House, run by a bunch of fans of the author Charles de Lint (and his wife MaryAnn was involved too). We found each other on LJ after the TH list sort of dissipated, and kind of tried to emulate that sort of community and it did happen for a while, but of course LJ is/was a different thing than an email list...
And then Facebook, and omg is that a shitshow sometimes.
Well, anyway, hey there, Matt Lichtenwalner...want to be one of my OPW friends? :-)
"Facebook, and omg is that a shitshow sometimes" - You can say that again. And again. And again.
"want to be one of my OPW friends?" - Sounds good to me!
Also, I heard somewhere that even George RR Martin left. ;P
Also, Matt is one of my college friends, I vouch for his goodness.
I've met Charles & MaryAnn, we had a great lunch and drive around town together once, and they are the most delightful people.
Good to know of Matt's vouchable goodness. :-)
I wish I felt like this was my new LJ. It’s not the same, though, I suppose in part because I only have a few friends here and the interactions we have isn’t the same. Wait, that’s not right. In many ways they are, and even better.
Also in part I suppose because, in spite of the fact that THIS post is public, most of my posts here are friends locked to only a few people (ya’ll know who you are 🙂). So that doesn’t help, probably.