Planet 禸
10/23 '23
禸 is the site of an infamous heist that was as much an astonishing technological feat as it was a brazen crime. Investors from Gondilly proposed building a circular transportation system around an uninhabited but mineral-rich region of this planet. To that end, they purchased drilling and mining rights from the government, promising economic benefits to their citizenry. What happened next was an unprecedented event in the history of geological engineering. The region of interest comprising approximately 10% of 禸 was literally severed and ejected into space. Falling debris caused massive environmental damage and pollution on the surface below. The Gondillians set about attaching drive systems to the launched fragment and began to propel it towards their home planet, where it will be completely mined in accordance with the legal rights which they have obtained. The surviving inhabitants of 禸 continually write bitter laments about the treacherous theft, which can never be repaired.