Jeesuz You People are Productive
10/16 '17
Of course, it's also probable that my being super crazy UNproductive makes the contrast that much clearer.
That wasn't meant as a put down. At least not one aimed at all of you.
On the plus side, your posts about writing and productivity are very motivating. I need to be making more. I need to be completing more.
At the end of the day, I think that's the biggest problem for me. I finish so very few of my projects. I pick nits endlessly, lose my motivation somewhere along the way because I've grown bored with the project in question (and because I have ideas for three new projects), and then I drop it in favor of the project du jour.
It's a bad cycle, and I do it ALL the time.
The only reason that I'm still clinging to my book idea with bloody fingertips is because I've got so much invested in the character over so many years.
Frustration point: I know what the solution is. I've heard it countless times on countless podcasts about writing: Just make slow and steady progress to spit out that first version of the book. If that's one sentence a day, that's fine. It's progress, and it's measurable. And you need to know, in advance, that it's going to suck. Writing is REwriting and all that.
What's more, I've learned that I actually enjoy revising old writing. I never finished my one attempt at NaNoWriMo, but I find myself dropping into the book and editing a chapter here and there occasionally. For no real reason - it's not like I'm planning to ever let it see the light of day.
And Inktober? Yeah, I'm way behind there too.
I have no excuse. All of you have WAY more going on in your lives and you're making progress while I do the equivalent of clicking through cable channels.
Okay, that's enough self flagellation. It doesn't accomplish much. I have to get to work while there's still daylight, but tonight, I need to get some work done.
Starting with lots of circles.
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Perhaps I should start a list that I can prioritize...