I dreamt that Mrs. Hudson was the actual genius behind Sherlock Holmes and Watson's success. You can probably imagine this. She would bring the tea tray in, fuss with the set, keep Sherlock and Watson in the room so Sherlock could ask questions, she'd tip him off with a lift of her eyebrow or a coded teaspoon maneuver when the client dropped vital information. she'd plump the couch cushions, bake the best biscuits, make the coziest spaces for people to confess in. Or, she'd have Watson follow her to the kitchen, where she'd give him a full rundown of where to go, who to question and how, what evidence to gather, where to find it and, if it wasn't there, then exactly where it was, what conclusions to draw. 

Maybe I did need that extra nap, after all. 

8/14 '21 5 Comments
Mrs. Hudson was great. "Not your housekeeper!" The backstory about a seedy life in Miami that remained mostly a mystery.
I LOVED THAT so much. I can't remember what the exact exchange was, something about how Sherlock helped her out when her husband was going to be executed for murder.
"oh, you prevented it?"
"no, I ensured it."
Y'all remember Remington Steele, yeah? I think your version would be better, with it's Murder She Wrote / Mrs Marple vibe. Especially if Mrs Hudson was super super sweet but the way she handled a knife in the kitchen you know she'd cut you if provoked. I'd watch it, hell yeah.
Maggie Smith, Matt Smith, and Dev Patel?

Did you know, apparently Matt Smith auditioned to play Watson? I can’t remember where I learned that.