Two Days 'Til Halloween
10/29 '15
Let's get this party started!
Archer and I were disappointed by the Muppet Show reboot. In fact, we almost stopped recording it, but we decided to give the second episode a try ... and we were still not thrilled. The third was a bit better, but we were still not enthused, and we're HUGE Muppet fans. Come on, Muppets, give us something! We're your biggest fans! We're oscillating over here!
In Episode 4, Pig Out, they gave us something. That something is glorious and totally worth waiting for. You don't have to slog through the first three episodes if you don't want to (though episode 3 has some charming Kermit and Fozzie moments), because you have your humble Muppet curators to present the best part of Episode 4. It's not the bear. I've had bunions that were funnier than that bear! Heh heh heh.
It's the Swedish Chef karaoke-ing "Rapper's Delight". The video's only 55 seconds long, and they may be the best 55 seconds of your day!
I'll save my extended commentary for later. It could be a book.