C'est Moi!
10/24 '15
Ever watch a video and think, "They captured my essence in this short film! This right here is the expression of my soul!" I felt that way when I watched the following video, which you should watch, especially All of You.
Herein we shall all be unsurprised that my soul is pretty violent and loves books.
Safe for work with headphones. Safe for older kids but not little guys.
Every time we hear a car go past blaring loud music we start singing Axis of Awesome...
Matt loves to walk around and randomly scream at people gushing over the show,"I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS".
(He's a little bit nutty. He wanted to be a history teacher, and he told me he really wants one of his students to walk up to him and say "Mr. Bowerman, I would do anything for an A" and he'd reply "Anything?" and she would say "Yes Sir. Anything." then he'd lean in real close and say very loudly in her ear, "YOU CAN FUCKING STUDY"
I told him his career would be epic and short lived. )
Harry Potter: the books were better inversely with the movies. Goblet of Fire hits equilibrium.
Hunger Games: The books are unreadable.
I do love both the books and movies for HP and GoT.
(But I am hearing you on those two books in GoT Leah. I still haven't finished Dance with Dragons yet. I keep losing interest around the 300 page mark. And it gets to the point that every time I see Tyrion say "Words are wind" or "where the whores are" I want to throw the book really hard at GRRM's face.)
Last night I got to tell Archer that President Snow's kid is Ace from Stand by Me. :)
I tried to watch the Game of Thrones show, but it didn't hold my interest, and then after I heard about some of the reinterpretation (Jaime rapes Cersei in the show, he does NOT rape her in the books, and that interpretation not only tears down his motivation for all his bad acts and makes him seem like a mustache-twirling villain instead of a complex character, it makes Cersei seem like the weaker of the pair, which lessens her and also changes the power dynamic between the two of them from intricate to yawn - man overpowers woman with force), I wasn't motivated to go back and try again.
That said, AGOT through ASOS rocked and I have read them more than twice!
Personally, I adore the show. There's some problems, yes, but it's really well done television. I could watch nothing but the Arya and Tywin at Harrenhall bits pretty much forever (I know it's Roose Bolton in the books, but damn is it awesome with Tywin), and I love that Sansa actually makes sense and it not a complete twit in the show, but she's an abuse victim with PTSD from dealing with Joffery.
tl;dr-- they collapse the cast a lot in the show, but it makes a lot of sense that they do. The fact that Bran has a chance to let Jon know he's north of the wall, and chooses to go to the Children of the Forest instead is kind of neat as well.
That said, Dany struggling with people being idiots while she tries to hold Mereen together is exhausting in whatever medium.
I'd watch that, probably. And maybe I will try to watch the series again, but speaking as the woman who is four episodes behind on Criminal Minds (my favorite show on TV right now, though it's in close competition with The Good Wife) ... not inspired to pick up the AGOT DVDs any time soon.
We are also watching The Walking Dead (also episodes behind there), but Walking Dead has never been my favorite show because it's inconsistent. Some episodes are gripping and exciting and fantastic to watch and some are just slogs, it's very bipolar.
We are bad Atlantans and are not watching the Walking Dead.
Watch the first four in order on this list:
You can't handle the flow, son.