10/1 '19
I ate too many grape leaves. I'm having an intense grape leaf craving lately. [Cover your ears, boys.] I'm ovulating and I have no idea if that's involved. [Ears uncovered.] Yeah, I know this is written word.
I'm writing this as I lie sideways on the bed in the period of time where I'm supposed to be sleeping but am nowhere near sleepy-ville yet. It's a place I visit a lot, sans all medicines and potions at the moment. Too much was too much for too long. The cat has passed out in a fuzzy black and white impossible-shaped pretzel. Good for him, my little Boo.
In a happy accident, I see all my lady friends this week. I managed to get booked pretty solid and I just noticed it's my Greatest Hits of gal pals. Pretty nice. Tonight was a little too cool for it, but I sat on the deck with my friends Kathi and Lana. Tomorrow is bracelet making and wine (mostly wine) with Natalie and Cassie, and so on and so forth. I don't get this much in a month sometimes. Whee!
I went to the Celtic Fest on Saturday and it was my first time. I don't know how I missed this all these years, but I'm thoroughly hooked. Men in kilts everywhere. Awwwww yeahhhhh. My guy wore one, too, as he is Scottish and his sister finally got him into one. He went formal-style for the parade, with dress shirt and suit jacket, and dayam does that look work for him. Too hot to maintain though, it was a blistering 80-something degrees with him in wool head to toe, so he switched to the lesser known traditional "What's Under The Kilt?" t-shirt. (Answers below).
Sunday was Arts Fest, and coincidentally a collegiate marching band competition across the way at the local high school stadium. That was incredibly awesome to stumble upon. More so even than the Arts Fest (I dare say). Unfortunately the heat was hammering me so hard I couldn't stay long. A little visiting afterwards and then to bed for the usual battle of the blankets, aka the alligator wrestling contest.
(These grape leaves have sticking power. Whew.)
Okay, rolling onto my back again. The cat grumbles every time I move. I feel like I'm married.
Where was I. Oh, would you like to know What Is Under The Kilt? At least according to USA Kilts?
- Bagpipes
- The Earth
- My Celtic Pride
- The Loch Ness Monster
- Socks and Boots
- MacNuggets
- Freedom!
There you go. Curiosity satisfied? No? I took a peek. I saw #4.
music: America - "Horse With No Name"
mood: tired but not sleepy
Glad you got some hang time in with the girls! I saw you posted on IG, but I couldn't like or comment because I was using my laptop at the time. *grumblebitchmoan* at IG's complete lack of anything like a support system.
Celtic Fest sounds awesome. My favorite response to "What's under the kilt?" was always "How warm are your hands?" One of the big sellers of Amerikilts / Utilikilts had a list up on their site back when I got mine for Burning Man. Of course, that was *mumble mumble* years ago.
Really sorry you're still fighting IG, especially because that's the only social media I like anymore, and I'd hate to see you locked out for the indefinite future. Speedy unblocking.
Celtic Fest is entirely awesome and I thought of you. You need to go with us next year. I like the utilikilts and there were just as many wearing those. If you have either, rock it! Be warned I will ask you what's under it because I am 13 years old. ;p
The fucked up (and frustrating) thing is that I'm not actually blocked (see my recent skeleton art post) but rather - I'm blocked ONLY when I'm trying to use a laptop. Both my phones work.
This means that I need to upload art from my iPad to Google Photos. Then download from Google Photos onto one of my phones and THEN I can upload it to IG.
What a pain in the REDACTED.
On the plus side, it's now officially Inktober, so I'm going to be posting a lot of ballpoint pen sketchwork which I can just directly photo / upload.