I hear it's playing soon in Philly.  I'd love to go see it. I've seen the movie version with Malkovich as Tom and Karen Allen as Laura.

I doubt the special effects will be as good.

8/16 '14 6 Comments
Oh, and May/June of 2015 Rosenkrantz and Guilenstern are Dead is playing at the Wilma Theatre.
wait wait wait wait...
you can post, then follow up by replying to your own post?
Sure. I didn't see any reason to forbid it. Sometimes it's more convenient than editing it properly.
I hear Hamlet will be attending Glass Menagerie on 8/22 along with Shelle...
You don't avidly troll my Facebook looking for invites to plays? Well you should! This Friday, it's GA, get a ticket if you're free, let me know if you have a ticket so I can add you to my dinner invite list. Commonwealth Classic Theatre Company ... http://www.commonwealthclassictheatre.org/