Next on my docket to write about is Florida. But instead, gentle reader, I will talk about a glorious weekend of doing nothing. Nothing except watching season 2 of Bridgerton on Netflix and declaring to my offspring that I will be dressing like those society ladies. She asked: when will I dress so? I answered: For the rest of my life. It helps that the leads have skin approaching my complextion.  Visuals here. Representation, yo!

So today I’m up predawn and in my sweats because I have to do the school dropoff then head to the gym. One must workout if one is to fit into a regency silhouette.


The other thing I did this weekend is make a box on my trusty laser cutter. We’re doing a belated holiday gift exchange at work, where we are all exchanging mugs. I know very little about my coworker so I got her a mushroom mug because *I* think it cute. I did ask around and learned she likes Alpacas. So I AI’d (midjourney) a bunch of Alpacas for engraving, and made a box for the mug.

4 sketches of alpacas (under a mushroom umbrella, in front of a frame, in a flowery hat, and  in the mountains with an easel.)
Laser cut box with engraved alpacas and a hint of a mushroom mug inside.

It feels nice to stretch the maker muscles now and again. I’ve slowed way down and am undermotivated these past few months. Which is okay, I know. But I also know I feel better when I have a project to make.

Florida notes will likely also not be done tomorrow. After kiddo dropoff,  I drive 2 hours for a typewriter pickup. My typewriter obsession is cooling, partially because they’ve become a demand on me instead of just a joy. The sit and judge me, saying “When are you going to get on with fixing us, Tinkeress?” I’m working on working on it, you marvelous machines! So it’s cooling, but not so much that I won’t drive 4 hours roundtrip to pick up a new and delightful one!

1/8 '24 4 Comments

It’s fun to sing to the tune of “Lollipop, Lollipop.”
The contents of the box cannot possibly live up to the box itself! But the box can't be used to consume coffee, so there's that.
Tell me about your laser cutter. If I were going to purchase one, what do I need to know?
I have a glowforge. Which is a great machine for a hobbyist. Less great if you want to make a business out of it. It's a bit pricey but it's also really really really easy to use. It takes household power, Wi-Fi, and a window to vent out of.

if you want I know more let me know and we can chat about it