Introversion and Extroversion might be looked at through the lens of a need to perform. If we have to be "on stage" -- acting in certain ways in order to conform to expectations or needs -- that is probably a social energy sink. Conversely if there are people around whom we do not need to perform in any particular way, that is, be at rest or just "being ourselves", that time would probably be energy recharging.

One can be on-stage and still be alone or with just one or two people reading a book or being quiet. If being alone and quiet isn't your natural state you have to perform it at some level of consciousness.

I know this isn't particularly original. However, I came at this thought by the angle of thinking about how there are people with whom I need to perform "Sean": people I need to pay attention to; and people with whom I don't: I don't have to be conscious of their presense -- with whom I can be comfortable just being present in my own skin.

But then it gets all muddled up with habit and performative ruts and "who the hell am I, and who the hell do I want to be?" and my belief that the sense of self isn't much more than the story we keep retelling to ourself (consciously and subconsciously) about how we react to the things around us.

Deep thoughts for a Tuesday. I really should reserve a car and go buy hardboard panels.

5/23 '17 2 Comments
This has given me stuff to think about.

I only learned the real (better?) meanings of "introverted" and "extroverted" in the last 6-7 years or so. I always considered myself extroverted because I did a lot of theater / band / choir / speaking from middle school through adulthood. But I never considered how, ever since I was a teeeeeny kid, my parents would find me sitting in my room "staring at the wall," which I still do, which was my way of processing/clearing the mental queue and recharging the ol' batt'ries. Hello, introvert. Who knew?

So, thanks for giving me some good stuff to ponder.

(Also, an aside: LOVING your paintings on IG, by the way.)
Thanks you!