Last night I fell asleep dreaming of pixels. Two of them. Two pixels. Well, one, and then two. Actually, last night I fell asleep thinking I should get up and work on the fucking pixels because the work I was doing on sleep wasn't going very well either.

But then it was morning. Which was good.

Chrome, you see, had two pixels, Safari had zero, and Firefox had one. (Which is hilarious in a way because Safari and Chrome are almost the same browser.) CSS is supposed to make these problems not happen. But of course they do. Because designers need steady jobs, just like everyone else. (You're telling me that isn't someone's rationale?!) 

And what kind of struck me about CSS is that it's like a lot of things. You can be angry and harsh and define every fucking thing about every margin and div and font size and whatever and force it to be exactly what you want. Or you can be chill and zen and take the "yeah as long as it looks good, it doesn't have to be exactly the same on every browser" route.

Which as an attitude is in the long run much healthier for your soul. 

So what happens is when you finally decide that being angry about everything not being perfect just isn't going ever going to work and you strip out all the crap and start from scratch is just about when you find the zen-like magic incantation that not only gives you exactly what you were fighting for in the first place, but makes all of the browsers render it exactly the same way. (For the record, that would be putting the fixed font-size on the enclosing UL rather than the LI items within it.)

So that was my little bop on the nose from the Buddha for today.

(*CSS is cascading style sheets, a kind of computer language used to describe how a web page should look, as opposed to specifying what the content words & images should be.)

8/29 '14 2 Comments
"OMMMM. I have peace."
"We need to support IE6."
If you see the Buddha above the fold ...