Continuing his clockwise tour of the inner galaxy, Willy Minmax goes to Fremantle, where he confronts an insupportable situation.  Satellites meant to train the cloudlike Woylie towards positively influencing the climate have failed.  They now accidentally torment the Woylie into worsening the weather, causing disastrous storms and floods.  The Noongar society that built the satellites is now unable to repair or maintain them, so Willy decides that the only help he can offer is to destroy the malfunctioning devices.  Without waiting around for thanks or blame, he does this and quickly departs.  Perhaps when Fremantle's atmosphere returns to normal, he too can return and re-establish trade with this world.

In the meantime, Akasora considers his strange fate among the distant stars:

Silent stars above,
Lonely verses in the void,
Robot dreams in code.

12/30 '23 2 Comments
I’m confused but entertained.
I have familiarity with this, as a way of life.