Planet Liotia*
10/26 '23
LIOTIA is the galactic standardized spelling of the name of this planet in the Ventura sector. How its inhabitants spell the name changes exceedingly frequently. In fact, their entire alphabet has been changed several times in living memory. The controlling corporate interests republish everything on a regular schedule, using recycled plastic as a medium. Liotians take learning a new written language in stride, having done so for generations. It is suspected that a very old transcription error may be responsible for another one of their strange customs. When a male Liotian dies, his nephews (if any) are expected to ritually eat his corpse. Vanishingly few go actually go through with completely butchering their relative, but it is considered obligatory to at least consume a tiny fingernail paring or something like that. Visitors should probably hire a cultural acclimation assistant before even arriving on Liotia.