Samurai Cat in the Real World (1989), by Mark E. Rogers (1952-2014)

Alas, my streak of consecutive ascensions stopped at two.  Rogue #1 was doing reasonably well, but but a titan surrounded him with nasties and on my last turn I typoed myself to death.  Rogue #2 killed by a gnome lord with a wand of magic missile.  But Rogue #3 was lucky enough to find FIVE magic lamps along the way, and that was plenty of magic lamps.  He also found a katana on the second dungeon level, and that ended up serving as a fine companion to Stormbringer for the rest of the game.

As for interesting mistakes:  he foolishly buried some speed boots under a boulder, but when he came back to dig them up, they had rotted away entirely.  Stormy killed a few things he might not have wanted to kill, including co-aligned unicorns.  And some things were forgotten while ascending, including a magic whistle.  Not a big deal all things considered, but it's probably worth double-checking your entire kit before making that final run.

Ferret the Magsman and the invisible Archie the Archon went to their reward with 4050028 points and 140370 pieces of gold, after 78618 moves.
He was level 27 with a maximum of 793 hit points when he ascended.

On to the Tourist, hoping to finish before they release version 3.7 and make things trickier.

4/8 '23