In 1996 or so, I tried to install a *nix operating system for the first time. Up to that point, I had been using pico for editing on *nix systems. But then I learned that (at the time), when you first install a system, you need to be able to use an editor that is installed by default. And (again, at the time) as far as I could tell that meant I needed to learn ed, vi, or get really good at cat >>. I chose vi, and I've been using that as my preferred text editor, regardless of operating system, ever since.

At some point, probably around 2002 or so, it became easier to find vim than vi, so I started using that, but it seemed prudent to never actually learn anything about how vim "improved" on vi, since I didn't want to rely on that when I had to use vi. And now it's nearly impossible to actually find vi, so I clearly made the wrong choice there.*

Which is how it came to pass that I've been using vim for over a decade without knowing that "visual" mode exists.

* - yes, I know, I made the wrong decision back in 1996. It works for me, OK?

12/8 '14 3 Comments
I wonder how many people alias 'jove' to 'emacs -nw'. Perhaps "people" is an overestimate, at that.
However, I should admit that a few years ago I aliased vi to sublimetext.
Right there with you, except that I did happily embrace visual mode for things like text selection, which was just ridunkulous without it.