Stone walls held up by pillars on an uncertain, wet surface. Blurry image of our tour guide in foreground.

100 feet down in a former copper mine. Which is also a former prison. The past is a terrible place, never go there. Old Newgate Prison is worth a visit, though. The curation of the place... nowadays... has tipped heavily in the direction of rethinking incarceration. Also: nice vein of malachite in there.

Speaking of the past, thanks to U. and L. for bringing some nasty bugs to my attention. These bugs affected the process of accepting an invitation. Most were blatant, which is not so bad, because it was easy for L. to spot them and for me to fix them.

But the last one makes me kick myself: for *coughs* some time now, when accepting an invite, the dialog box giving you a chance to give a "friends" key to the person who invited you just didn't work properly. This is fixed, and will hopefully make it just that little bit easier for newcomers to communicate with the person who invited them in the first place.

Thankfully there was no issue in the opposite direction.

7/26 '23 2 Comments
You are the bestest. Thank you so much for building and maintaining this community.
I second Ursula's comments!<br />

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That's a great pic that also shows weathering rinds emanating from the fractures in the rock, as groundwater followed those pathways and seeped into it. Malachite is such a beautiful mineral. I hate to think how much was destroyed as ore or for pigment, but this looks like it's not highly aesthetic mineralization.<br />

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It sounds like an interesting place with some awful history. I really must get there!

I see that there are virtual tours: