Book 3, Chapter 1, verse 3*
3/13 '16
“I’m going to live in San Francisco when I grow up”
“Cool, can I come too?”
“Yes, if you aren’t dead”
I have reconsidered this chapter verse metaphor in titling journal posts. It more like this is the third book in a series that is my life. Book 1 was childhood & college, Book 2 was corporate employee life, now book 3 is starting. Where will it lead? How will it end??
I’m NOT going to go back and re-title earlier posts. But moving forward, this will be Book 3, chapter 1.
On to this week’s verse : it is a dull one.
I’ve been getting less done than I envisioned a few weeks ago when this book started. I’m still very much in vacation mode, recharge mode. Plus the kid was homesick from preschool 2 days that interrupted some plans.
I did join Instagram as _tinkeress_
I do have an art project list – these will eventually become posts, God willing (and the creek don’t rise):
- BigBall
- LED light wall
- Pennsic garb
- SuperDragon
- Affirmation Collection station
- the subsequent Affirmation cage
And the less interesting adulting list: do my taxes/networking/signing&returning termination papers/bathroom remodel/Garden control/Ceiling repairs.
I had an interesting evening yesterday. I was a DuPont scholar at University of Delaware when I went 1988-91. And the university holds a yearly reception for former distinguished scholars and current seniors. I got to mingle with these clever people, most of which are just starting the second book of their lives. Interesting small talk.
And then dinner with a friend I had from my college days. It has been some years since we sat down together, so we reconnected over much more in-depth real life talk.
And finally, a friend had invited me to his 2 day house party. More interesting types there – young art sorts – some great conversations on the Philadelphia art scene. But it was late and I was winding down, my conversation reserves well tapped. I got home just in time to see the clock change to 3AM.
*I've started up a new blog - double posting here and there for a while