... and I am a wordy bastard. Things I will likely digress upon in coming days: * This odd little guitar I now own (and learning to play it)* My ongoing career as a part-time professional magician* Fairs, Festivals and Foolishness* How, against all logic and reason, I am still married. 

This weekend I will be doing 8 minutes or so at a local variety show hosted at a local theater that Ami and I have become participant-patrons of, the Overtime Theater in San Antonio.   I've been doing stuff with their Cabaret for... about 2 years now. We're at the point where the producer told me "You have 8 minutes. I know it'll be good."

Now I have the unusual challenge of coming up with something that'll eat up about 8 minutes every month. I do my best not to repeat myself.  I think I've repeated myself twice in 2 years (10 performances a year as 2 months I'm out of town when the show happens).

I have performed magic, I have juggled, and I have gibbered helplessly while endlessly pouring water out of a small pitcher into a lucite wine glass and drinking it.  There are worse second jobs. 

8/18 '14 1 Comment
Y'know, people would probably watch if if you did a youtube series...