Anime update
10/5 '14
I've now wrapped up most of the shows I've been watching from the most recent season. (Sailor Moon Crystal continues, and I have to catch up on Aldnoah.Zero, which is pretty intense so I tend not to watch it casually.)
Hanayamata matched my expectations pretty much exactly: cute, fluffy, entertaining. Sugary almost to the point of irritating. No particular need to watch it again, but a good counterbalance for more serious stuff.
Rail Wars tried hard to balance Dramatic Action with fan service. Almost made it. I definitely preferred the episodes that were more focused on action; the light-hearted episodes tended to slide toward the gratuitous. I don't regret watching it, though — it was still much better than Momo-kyun Sword (which I abandoned 5 minutes into the first episode).
Sabagebu! was completely absurd and over-the-top, but dammit, it made me laugh, and that's really all you could hope for in a show like that. Don't try this at home, kids.
I very much enjoyed Glasslip, which was something out of the ordinary. Inasmuch as it was playing around with alternate realities, I couldn't definitively tell you how the story ended — but that's par for the course in Japanese storytelling, so I'm taking that in stride.
I've already started a few shows from the next season, so we'll see how they shape up. Karen Senki is a computer-animated short-episode show aiming for the same balance as Rail Wars, I think. Terraformars had a pretty brutal first episode; some people are complaining about it having been censored, but I don't mind if they dodge some graphic violence. And Denki-Gai got off to an entertaining start, I hope it can keep it up.
Your reviews are quite helpful. Do you maintain a sort of "best of" list or other catalogue?
If you're continuing to check out newer stuff, you've no doubt heard that Cowboy Bebop is excellent (it is), and I really liked Durarara and BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. The amount of anime available now compared to the '80s and '90s is simply staggering, though, and there are plenty of other great shows out there.
We also get turned off by excess fan service. I don't mind attractive leads but if they're spending more of the effects budget on jiggle than anything else ima pass.
Sometimes a show that looks dubious in the service department at first shapes up -- such as Kiddy Grade, for me at least. More often, though, you can quickly tell it's gonna be one of Those Shows.