2 hours
8/29 '15
is the average of what I spend cleaning. That's dishes, kitchen, laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the table, cleaning up after people in the bathroom. I work 14+ hours a day, and every day is the same. Pizza or fast food left out on the floor, milk from breakfast on the table, pile of dishes. So that 2 hours after a long day, I'm spending it cleaning up after everyone in this house. I get that people have long days, and I get that the last thing anyone wants to do after a long day is pick up after themselves, but it's getting really close to me picking everything up and throwing it off the balcony to save space. And that sounds like a really great idea right now.
If we lived in any other climate, this place would be contiually filled with bugs. Instead I'm putting up with everything being sticky, or crumbs, or wondering what that smell is when someone decided to move a cup somewhere and forget about it. I'm tired and I just want a little help, and a little respect about how I feel around this damn place.
50/50 would be amazing, but right now I'd even settle for 20% effort rather than 0.