Akasora stays in the same sector and scans the nearby world of ...

VELEŠIĆI (56) is a planet rich with life that once also had a large human population, but pollution damaged most of the arable land. The centuries of emigration that followed have resulted in more people of Velešići heritage living off-world than on Velešići itself. A few ancient families remain, within well-defended enclaves. For although the ecology of the planet was disrupted, many creatures survived and adapted to the polluted land. Of particular interest are the vukpas, which are very dangerous carnivorous pack animals. In addition to their teeth and claws, vukpas bear one more unusual weapon: a virus. Anyone within shouting distance of a pack of vukpas is at risk of infection, and the primary symptom of uncontrollable laughter serves to both attract vukpas and incapacitate their prey. Hunting parties on Velešići must be extremely cautious, because he who laughs does not last.

Disquieted by what he learns, he chants aloud:

Laughter's viral dance,
Vukpas' carnivorous jest,
Survival's cruel test.

In the Stîngă system, Willy Minmax is disappointed to learn that he will not be permitted to sell the artificial intelligences any technology, no matter how innocuous.  He is permitted a brief and extremely well-supervised visit with them, however.  His question about recent visitors reveals the existence of one in particular:  "AFFIRMATIVE.  WE NOTICED HIS NATURE IMMEDIATELY, BUT HE SOON DEPARTED TOWARDS THE STØVER SECTOR."  His nature?  What could that mean?  Willy's minders choose that moment to cut short the interview, and he is forced to depart with his curiosity unsatisfied.  The inspectors will no doubt have much to discuss, and he is happy that they at least let him leave the system without further delay.

12/24 '23