Akasora meditates on the vastness of the void, discovering a nascent spirituality in his circuitry as he murmurs:

Stars' hymns softly hum,
Circuit prayers in cosmic dance,
Spirit sparks ignite.

Willy Minmax arrives on the desert planetoid Cimaron right in the middle of one of their frequent exodus festivals.  He fortunately manages to avoid all of the homemade aircraft while landing his ship.  His usual friendly banter brings up the subject of the six-fingered aliens who brought them here, and he finds himself wishing he hadn't promised not to discuss his Pomacean acquaintance.  He might even have managed to capture the man's stumble on holo!  Instead, he offers to sell his recordings of Asanthan artifacts, hinting that his travels have led him to believe the Cimaronners' tale of abduction by friendly aliens.  They probably won't be able to trace his ship's itinerary through Pomacea, right?

12/11 '23