Akasora's next stop is to the desert world of MADEC, where his scans reveal the following description:

MADEC, like Deinste, is a desert world which is occasionally subject to torrential downpours at any random location. Madeccans carefully watch the skies and consult their various oracles to divine the direction of the next deluge, with varying levels of success. When the rains do come, they spur the growth of Madec's largest native plant, the tollendal tree. Tollendals rapidly absorb as much of the moisture as possible, and are capable of increasing in height by as much as 10 paces a day. In addition to providing the majority of the planet's food, tollendals serve an important symbolic purpose to Madeccan society. Whoever can climb the tallest-growing tollendal is acclaimed as monarch of all they survey. The privileges of that position are to a large extent honorary, but chief among them is the high-climber's desirability as a mating partner. This is to be enjoyed while it lasts, because once the nearby water has all been consumed, tollendals inevitably collapse and die. Madeccans preserve the vegetable matter as best they can, and wait for the next rainfall to bring them, perhaps, a new ruler.

This inspires the following haiku through his advanced neural network circuitry to encapsulate the world:

Desert's whimsy blooms,
Monarchs climb for love's allure,
Mating dance in rain.

Willy Minmax finds a promising new market on Pomacea, whose appearance-obsessed people will surely value a convenient means of projecting illusions.  He's right -- many of them buy a holoemitter for their front door to display a perfect copy of some au-courant style.  They aren't trusting enough to attempt cloaking their personal appearance with an emitter, though.  The masks stay on at all times.  Willy does manage to sell a few Orla holos as well, and resolves to return to Pomacea someday when he has a more extensive library.  Historical recordings from Asanthus are not popular here.

12/9 '23