Planet Ornella
10/25 '23
ORNELLA has a small civilization located entirely on the banks of the river "Orn". The remainder of the land is mostly desert, apart from the mountains from which the Orn flows. Their collective economy is centered on two forms of artistic expression -- statuary and jokes. Almost everyone is a sculptor in their spare time, and when they eventually finish a new piece, it is added to a lengthy procession in the parkland situated at a safe distance from the river. A well-executed statue serves as a store of wealth for its creator, until it is eventually "sold" to the author of a new and well-appreciated joke. The joke is then inscribed on the pedestal for all to enjoy. (A punchline is sometimes moved to the back of the statue for effect.) The now completed work attaches to the esteem of both the sculptor and the comedian, and contributes to the permanently memorialized culture of Ornella.