IDMON must once have been home to a thriving human civilization, as evidenced by its monumental edifices that are found on almost every continent.  What remains is a chaotic assortment of warring tribes, struggling to live amid the ruins built by their ancestors.  The cause of their societal collapse is disputed, with each group blaming a different instigator of the calamity.  Most say it was a war, but some claim that the war didn't start until things had fallen apart for some other reason.  Whatever the cause, all agree that in earlier times, long before living memory, every possible need was answered by mystical forces.  Fresh clean water and food, of course, but also warmth and cooling, lighting and cleaning, along with the answers to any imaginable question about the entire universe.  Perhaps the energies which were tapped to provide these wonders became uncontrolled and wild.  A popular myth tells of one who dared to touch a source of those energies, and who was instantly vaporized in a flash of light.

5/23 '22