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10/29 '19
This is not a self-referential poem. In fact, it's completely obsessed with talking about all of
the other poems that influenced it, those poems which
were read by poets come and gone, or in other cases come
and not gone so much as moved quite far away, or had their
weltanschauung changed so greatly that this poem is not any
as such things go
This poem is extremely, embarassingly well read;
it just finished
the Cantos (that wretched man),
the Duino Elegies (translated, sadly (but well-)
and it re-read
The Sonnets
for the umpteenth time just last weekend... this poem has an inferiority complex
It wants to apologize for its existence, but it can't seem
to find the right words. Which is just so...much...a thing It has big important neighbors, this poem, and often gets
lost in the shadows, but at least it's not a self-referential
poem...this poem doesn't like self-reference, and honestly
resents being the work of a poet who does This poem would consider itself a complete failure if it
didn't have something in common with the Iliad, namely,
this poem doesn't end, it stops
Apparently I made some edits in 1999? So this is the final draft :)