On last week's election 11/9 '14
I keep seeing memes after last week's midterm elections that make me despair for how little Americans understand their own democracy, or, in many cases, respect it.
Most absurd has been, "now that people voted for Republicans, the Republicans have to X", where X is "govern" or "work with the President", or a variety of other verb phrases that mean, "get things done", because "that's why people voted for Republicans."
This is hogwash.
List of reasons to vote Republican, not Democratic in the 2014 elections:
- anger at Democrats
- preference for Republican point of view and for Republican policies to be enacted
- preference for gridlock / divided government
- dislike of local Democratic candidate
- affection for local Republican candidate
- strategic vote so that if Republican President elected in 2016, comes alongside large Congressional majority
- generic subcultural affinity for Republicans
- the benefits of incumbency
- interest in how Republicans might govern if given the chance
All of these are valid reasons, but their preferred outcomes vary dramatically. Only some of them imply a preference
And that's okay!
Similarly, there's been a striking number of people saying that 2014's election was "historically" bad for the Democrats, which shows a surprisingly tiny window of "historical" knowledge, given that the outcome was not exactly different from 1994's midterm elections, or (for a six-years-in election), 2006's. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-year_itch) I realize that looking a whopping eight or twenty years into the past is a challenge, but I do wish political reporters and the people who transmit their drivel could do so.