Depends heavily on what day it is and how I feel.   Many of my favorite "songs" are actually instrumental music.  One day it will be the Allegretto Scherzando from the 8th symphony by Beethoven.  The next day I'll be rockin' out to something from 1973 played by a long haired hippie freak.  Sometimes it's the Promenade from the JAWS soundtrack.

8/15 '14 4 Comments
I don't think I've ever listened to the promenade from Jaws before, not having seen the movie.

I know, I know, I know.
I really should fix it so links in comments just auto-player-ify.
I haven't seen the movie either. My brother terrified us about it after he saw it when we were kids. But my dad had the soundtrack, and while it would run my mom out of the house practically, bits of it have stuck with me.