The Great Mr. Lolli
9/27 '14
On my commute home today I saw a white Rolls Royce (not a common sight on the BQE, and eeeesh are new Rolls Royces TACKY LOOKING) with dark tinted windows. The vanity plate read, "MR LOLLI" and was framed with a custom plate frame- "I'm Hiring". I peered in the obscured window as I passed the car, but all I could see was sunlight glinting off of an enormous gold watch.
Looking for a job? Follow the link below and you can thank me later.
The site's actually well done and runs with the personality he's created for himself.
I can't judge him too harshly (uh, unless there's something I didn't read on that site that sez I oughta)... in real estate you gotta be a little outsized to succeed.
Do you have what it takes to seize the brass... um...