I've been a big reader for many years, but my reading pace has slowed down a lot in the last couple of years.  Two or three years ago I managed to do a Goodreads challenge where I read 100 books in the year, partly in response to the year before that where I'd spent three entire weeks slogging my way through Steven Erikson's Toll The Hounds.  I managed it, yes, but it was little grueling, forcing myself to a hard page quota so I could spend no more then three days on a book.  Mostly fiction, neglecting the nonfiction I also enjoy, and tending to also avoid thicker books that would take longer.  After that I slacked off more--and started reading longer books again--so the goals have gotten harder to attain.  I've also been doing more rereading, and since I imported large chunks of my reading history into Goodreads it's harder for it to count those.  (If you want up-to-the-day, or at least week, updates on what I'm reading, you can always follow me on Goodreads...)

For fiction, I recently finished Guy Gavriel Kay's River of Stars, last of the Aurora Award nominees for the year; I may actually vote this year, though I haven't decided for sure yet.  I'm a little disillusioned with awards right now--why, I won't even nominate my friends' books any more.  I've been rereading David Gerrold's War Against The Chtorr, and recently continued into a reread of his Dingilliad series with Jumping Off The Planet; it's not clear to me if it's really a related series, despite some overlapping references, but I thought I'd do it anyway, since he's going to be a guest at Pure Speculation this year.  I'm also reading Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series to Simon (in the middle of Memory), and The Wheel of Time to Luke (most of the way through Lord of Chaos).  I just finished Kelley Armstrong's Stolen, sequel to Bitten (which was on TV this year, but I didn't watch it past the first episode), which was okay, and am about to start on Adrienne Kress's teen-steampunk The Friday Society; not sure if I'll like that one, because the books of hers that I've read and enjoyed before are more middle-grade, but I'll give it a try.

For nonfiction, I've got a few, on various burners.  Some time ago I started Eleanor of Aquitaine And The Four Kings, and I haven't given up on it yet, but I don't pick it up often; the prose is a little bit old-fashioned, though the book's only from the mid-twentieth century, so I suppose I should call it "affected".  But my recent Crusader Kings II playing has lent it some appeal.  I'm also working my through a book of lists from the Uncle John's Bathroom Institute people, which isn't holding my interest as much of some such books have done in the past.  More recently, I picked up A.J. Jacobs's Drop Dead Healthy; on the one hand, I tend to like his stuff, but this one I bought remaindered, and admittedly it may not be his best.  He's trying to make himself healthier, in a year, and looking at a lot of ways to do so, of varying degrees of wackiness; while it is occasionally entertaining and/or informative, so far it just reminds me how little I've come to trust anybody saying anything about what will make you more or less healthy.  While I was at When Words Collide last weekend I was intrigued by someone mentioning the book What If The Earth Had Two Moons?, and, because we live in the future, put in a library request for it while sitting at the panel; it came in yesterday, and I just started reading it.  Meanwhile, in the wings, I have Of Dice And Men, a history of Dungeons & Dragons, which I'm going to let wait until at least I've finished one of the others.

I also signed up for Marvel Unlimited a little over a year ago; it's a service that lets me read any of the comics that Marvel Comics has made available online.  It's far from a complete collection--newer comics only come out a year after their physical release, though that doesn't bother me because I'm not reading anything new; it's more the middle-range stuff that I'd want to look for, like the Defenders.  What I've ended up doing, though, after looking at a few scattered issues here and there, is starting from the beginning, with Fantastic Four #1 in 1962, and reading from there.  It's taking me a while--I'm only up to early 1967 right now--but I'm enjoying it, especially now that we have a tablet to read them on.  It was physically possible for me to read them on my iPod, but it was far from convenient or easy, and the tablet is working much better for me.  "Spider-Man" and "Fantastic Four" are already really good, and "Thor", "Avengers" and "Doctor Strange" are not bad; "X-Men" is not too hot, though, but then I'm a big Claremont-era fan.  As for the others--"Daredevil", "Iron Man", "Captain America", "Hulk", "Nick Fury", "Sub-mariner"--I was never too much into them, and they're only passable.  A lot of them are still into half-issues right now, so maybe it's the shorter-length stories, and "Daredevil" was never really my thing anyway.  I do look forward to the stage where Stan Lee relaxes his stranglehold on the writing credits, though...not that Roy Thomas has been a big boon to "X-Men" so far.  Hopefully they'll have filled in some of the gaps before I get up to the point where I'd notice them.  (I confess I'm skipping "Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos", as well as any western titles, or "Modeling With Millie"...)

8/15 '14 1 Comment
How can you skip "Modeling with Millie?"

(What in the world is Modeling with Millie?)

I drilled through the entire Vorkosigan series last year. And right now I'm having trouble opening up "The Martian," by an unfamiliar author, because I know there's one last Alliance/Union Cherryh novel in the house somewhere.