
Your privacy and security

We've worked hard to create a privacy model that's flexible, easy to understand, and trustworthy. Please read the following sections carefully so you can understand how we share your information with others.

Post content

Public posts, identified by a megaphone (), can be seen by everyone, whether signed-in to One Post Wonder or not. These posts are open and fully exposed to the internet at large.

Locked posts, identified by a lock (), can be seen only by signed-in One Post Wonder users to whom you have given a key to that specific lock.

Private posts, identified by an eye (), can only be seen by you, when you are signed-in to One Post Wonder.

Personal information

The "full name," "blog name", "biography" and profile photo (the "public identifiers") you supply to One Post Wonder will be visible to other visitors to the website, and may in some cases be seen even if you have no public posts.

However, One Post Wonder will not disclose your email address, password, payment information, billing address, location or other personal information not part of your "content" or the "public identifiers" to any third party without your consent, unless required to do so by law.

On using your "real name"

Ideally, you will use your real name as you are generally and publicly known on One Post Wonder. This helps encourage a more thoughtful discourse, and lets your friends find you more easily.

We do understand, however, that exposing your real name sometimes creates unacceptable personal risks. We have no desire to complicate such situations and accept that some individuals will choose not to use their real names on One Post Wonder.


Other users are able to see whether or not you follow them. This allows everyone to know who wishes to regularly see their content and fosters a sense of community.

Additionally, users with whom you have a mutual following relationship (you each follow each other) are able to see the complete list of users each other follows. This enhances site discovery by allowing mutually interested users to identify additional common friends and interests.

Level of trust

Those to whom you give keys to your locked posts are not notified when those keys are granted or revoked. They also do not know the name of the lock(s) to which they have been given keys.

They also cannot see who else has a key to any particular lock or to any particular post, with the following exception: when someone comments on a locked post, everyone who has access to that post can see that comment and who made it.

Privacy level alteration

If you change the privacy of a post after making it, access to that post changes immediately, without notification to any other user.

Similarly, when you grant or remove keys to a lock, access to posts using that lock will change immediately and without notification to affected users.

When you comment on the posts of others, you understand and consent that the original poster may decide to change post privacy settings at any time, which may expose your comments to a different or larger audience.

Real-time notifications

Some actions on One Post Wonder will cause other users to be notified through alerts at the top of the page, and optionally via email. These notifications serve to enhance the real-time social community aspect of One Post Wonder.

You should be aware that the following actions will cause other users to be notified:

  • Posting — notifies those who follow you and have permission to read the post.
  • Commenting on a post — notifies the post owner as well as all other commenters on that post.
  • Following another user — notifies that user. (Unfollowing does not.)

As noted above, editing keys and changing post security levels does not notify other users, so you should feel safe when making these changes.

Technical security

We use industry-standard techniques to protect the security of our servers, the security of your account password and identifying information, and the privacy of your content. We are not responsible for security breaches that occur despite our efforts, such as human error on our part, or the exploitation of newly discovered and undisclosed security holes in open source software.

If security breaches are found and verified, we will take prompt steps to remedy them.

One Post Wonder may be hosted on commercial servers provided by a variety of hosting companies. We are not responsible for misbehavior on the part of such companies, but will promptly move the site if we verify that such misbehavior has occurred.

Compliance with the law

One Post Wonder is subject to the laws of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. If we are required to remove content or disclose information by law we will do so. When possible we will disclose that this has happened.

A final note about personal safety

While we are making our best efforts to ensure that your data is only disclosed to whom and how you desire, One Post Wonder cannot guarantee that your posts and your relationships will not be exposed to people who may wish to harm you or those in your care.

No website can fully guarantee not to disclose sensitive personal information through misunderstanding, error or malicious effort. Please exercise prudence when sharing information on the Internet.