10/19 '14
I am a complete data dork. I love extracting data from documents and finding new ways to look at it. Consequently, after I made a list of all my GOG games with genres listed so that my kids (and spouse) could see what all is available for them to ask me to install, I of course was compelled to turn it around and analyze my own habits.
I mostly was guided on genre by what GOG says, but where I disagreed, I of course took my own opinion, and I simplified somewhat (I don't think first-person or third-person are genres, for one thing; if you disagree, that's fine, but this is my list.) For the purposes of the breakdown below, I removed "fantasy" and "sf" as not being as interesting as the gameplay types.
Anyway, here's what I discovered:
Total games: 122 (note that some are actually multiple games in a pack; not much I can do about that.)
38.5% adventure
17.2% rpg
13.1% action adventure (as opposed to point and click)
6.5% space combat
6.5% simulation (e.g. Zeus, Pharaoh, that sort of thing)
4.1% puzzle adventure
4.1% shooter
3.3% strategy (ick)
1.6% puzzle (but not puzzle adventure)
and 3.3% other (stealth, racing, combat, action but not action adventure)
Yes, that adds up to 98.2%. Rounding error, I guess. Shrug.
Anyway, that looks at a glance to be generally how I roll, indeed. (I'm not doing this with Steam to make sure.) Of course MMOs are excluded, but they'd fall under rpg, so. My favorite franchises (Gabriel Knight and Wing Commander) fall under the first and fourth categories, and the fourth is only that small because (a) there are not enough good space combat games in the history of gaming and (b) that goes triple for GOG's library.
This is the kind of thing I think about. So, yeah.