No Facebook Today 8/13 '15
This is day one of what might (?) be a Facebook hiatus. My lack of commitment to it makes me skeptical that I'll pull it off. It feels like quitting cigarettes, though, back when I did that. Breaking the habit was always the hardest part - the nicotine was far easier for me to eliminate. My habit is to immediately check social media when I'm bored, or waiting for something to finish at work, as soon as I wake up, etc.
I don't want to quit all social media. But for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, Facebook "feels" the most unhealthy to me right now.
One of the parts of my personality that I'm least proud of is my constant need for approval. I'm always seeking positive feedback from everyone around me. Every like and heart and retweet gives me the dopamine hit I'm craving. And running to social media all the time reinforces the feedback loop.
It's really killing me to not check if I have notifications right now...