Thought this might be a fun thing to get into the habit of doing.  Though I'm already doing this from memory a few days later; the game of 7 Wonders we played before this has already pretty much faded from my memory.

For a while, we tried to use negotiation to settle on a game that everybody wanted to play, but by now we're doing more of a cycle.  We put all our names into a hat (a pink cloth cowboy hat of Jinian's, to be precise), and then pick out a name; that person gets to pick the game (though not with infinite latitude, but objections have to be purely procedural, not preferential), and then their name doesn't go back into the hat until it's empty.  And having said this, I can't quite remember who it was who got to pick Talisman; I was the one to pick 7 Wonders, so it wasn't me...maybe Simon?  We've been playing the digital version on Steam on the computer, but it's mostly one human player vs. three AI players, and sometimes they can be mind-numbingly stupid, so beating them isn't always that much of an achievement.  It does mean that I've gotten more familiar with the rules...but I think not quite the same rules as our boardgame version uses.  (The computer version uses "Fate", which allows you to reroll dice, and our boardgame has none of that; the other changes tend to be more minor.)

Anyway, I ended up as the evil Wizard, Nicole as the Minster, Luke was the Prophetess, Simon was the Monk, and Jinian the Warrior (we let her pick, but the rest of us chose randomly).  Simon quickly got the Orb of Knowledge, so both him and Luke got to draw an extra card all the time.  I rarely got any spells that I actually needed, so I didn't get much chance to draw new ones.  Nicole drew most of the monster cards, and didn't win a lot of battles, but she did get three Dragons (who didn't attack her because of Minstrelness); the only animal she got to charm was a Wild Boar, though (she was disappointed that she didn't get to charm dragons, but she was happy to be able to discard the Hag).  Three people got turned into toads, between Witch, Enchantress, and the Random spell; this was how I lost my mule and a ton of stuff (including the Unicorn and the Ring) in the Inner Region, most of which Simon picked up later.  Jinian ended up with a Poltergeist, but made great use of this going back and forth between the Oasis (which had a Pool of Life) and a Desert square next to it (luckily she had the Holy Grail).

Simon got to the Crown of Command first, and nobody else really managed it.  In fact, I don't know if anybody else got past the Crypt/Mines.  So it was a bit of an unbalanced game, but at least it didn't drag on forever.  We normally play it in the afternoon, and on the table in the basement, where we can leave it set up during meals; this one we let the kids stay up late (with a break for book-reading), but it would have gone on longer if Simon had had any real competition.

And that's pretty much all the bits I remember at the moment.  We'll see if I do this again next family game...

7/11 '15